The "Wayback Machine"

Started by RC Drown, April 06, 2011, 11:50:48 AM

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Hi Bob,
fantastic pics,
what I like more.. the Ply, you and cooper as Santa Klaus,
as usualy from you very nice photo,
Thanks Bob
Sebastiano (Sicily)
Sebastiano - Italy   [Please enable JavaScript to see this content]
Owner Plymouth 29 U Touring - P8 Coupe De Luxe r/s


Quote from: RC Drown on December 03, 2012, 05:26:06 PM
Him and I took advantage of 50 degree plus temps today and put over 30 miles on the Plymouth, by doing so, we have surpassed 2100 miles driven this season, not to mention the Plymouth has been driven every month this year


I wish I could say that.  I have been swamped with home improvement projects and work stuff that just has eaten up my spare time.  Hopefully these things will get done and I can concentrate on enjoying the car.

Chester Brzostowski -- 1948P15 SpD & 1929 Model U Plymouths - Collector of vehicular lawn ornaments.?   -

RC Drown

Chet your are right, he wasn't very happy with his Santa outfit on, but he was a good sport just the same..

Him and I took advantage of 50 degree plus temps today and put over 30 miles on the Plymouth, by doing so, we have surpassed 2100 miles driven this season, not to mention the Plymouth has been driven every month this year



Cooper doesn?t look very happy in his Christmas duds.  It looks like you might have had to talk him into it. 

Anyway,   Great pictures, Ho, Hoo, Hooo.

Chester Brzostowski -- 1948P15 SpD & 1929 Model U Plymouths - Collector of vehicular lawn ornaments.?   -

RC Drown

I was Santa last evening at the tree lighting in town, had a good time.  Cooper and I were practicing yesterday afternoon in front of our "sleigh"

Normally my hair and beard are long enough, but this year due to the chemo and radiation treatments, I had to use a wig and fake beard.

RC Drown

Thanks Go, here is another one

Go Fleiter

so beautiful! Both!

Greetings from D?sseldorf! Go
Living in Düsseldorf/Germany, retired Dentist, wife retired lawyer, 2 daughters Judge and psychologist, 3 Grandchilds-Sorry for bad English
I like- PennsyRR- travelling Europe in my very original 51 Ply- My whole basement HO Germany based Model Railroad- 50ties stuff- Italy

RC Drown

learning something new

RC Drown

Today I drove up to the Halls Mills cover bridge that was built in 1913, the youngest covered bridge in New York State, it was damaged from Hurricanes Irere and Lee last year and now is being worked on.  It was taken out of serive in 1963.  They aren't the best photos, but it will give you an idea.

The two without my car were taken last month


Bob Drown,  I am getting returned emails from the address you use here on the board.  Has your email address changed?  Email me - maybe we can figure out why I am getting the notices that your email refused to accept the daily reply notices for this discussion.
Live long and prosper!
My real name is Mark Olson

Go Fleiter

Beautiful, to see the Drowns on the road again, You will have the same luck with Your health as with Sandy missing You and Your neighbour!

Greetings! Go
(not enough plymouthing time this fall..)
Living in Düsseldorf/Germany, retired Dentist, wife retired lawyer, 2 daughters Judge and psychologist, 3 Grandchilds-Sorry for bad English
I like- PennsyRR- travelling Europe in my very original 51 Ply- My whole basement HO Germany based Model Railroad- 50ties stuff- Italy

36 Ply

Hey Bob,

That's a great photo of your '40 parked near the red schoolhouse. Until I read your caption, I thought that it was a cabin, of the type you used to see in Minnesota at fishing camps...

SD Glenn

Bob, You have some monster trees in your nieghborhood. They have some years in them. I hate to see those old trees go.  It doesn't look like it had prior damage to it, that wind must have been terrific, and scary. Take care of you, tell the mrs Hi, and hang in there.


Hay Bob,

Glad you made it through Sandy with no damage.  Oct / Nov are great months for the Catskill area.  Though your pictures still had a lot of leaves.  Down here in Virginia we still have plenty of leaves on the trees also.

Just got back from Delaware and had some siding that came off the house.  Spent some time yesterday doing the repairs.  So we are ready for storm number 2.  Hopefully no big deal.   

Take care,  Chet...
Chester Brzostowski -- 1948P15 SpD & 1929 Model U Plymouths - Collector of vehicular lawn ornaments.?   -

RC Drown

SD Glenn,
Other than losing our power for four days, we did well here, our next door neighbor had a tree come down, but missed the house thankfully.

The one photo shows the tree in thier dooryard, and other one that is lookin towards my house shows how high the tree snapped off

SD Glenn

Hey Bob, Good to hear from you.  With all the huricanes in your country I was hoping you guys were doing okay. Did Sandy bother you where you are? Pictures are great, thanks

RC Drown

I haven't posted any photos since July on this thread as I was treated for throat cancer beginning shortly after my last post.  Here are some photos that I have taken since we came home the first part of Oct.

The red building is a school house that dates back to the 1850's.

My GPS unit, Cooper came to live with us four years ago today, he was seven weeks old, I sure do love that little bundle of fur

RC Drown

Drove the Plymouth 20 miles east of here this morning to meet up with Rich Wahredorff, President of the Hudson Valley POC for breakfast.  I even got to  meet his wonderful wife Michelle.  We had a good breakfast, talked old Plymouths, especially his 1935 PJ that is just about finished and ready to be driven to Michigan next weekend for the PJ tour.  Ah life is good, yes it is:):)

36 Ply

Cool photo Bob, it really takes me back...


The time machine worked, Nice photo Bob.

Chester Brzostowski -- 1948P15 SpD & 1929 Model U Plymouths - Collector of vehicular lawn ornaments.?   -

RC Drown

Yesterday Cooper and I were out and about, just had to take advantage of the much cooler day with no humidity

36 Ply


Glad to see that you & Cooper went cruisin' recently. I've been off the POC forum for a few days, cuz I forgot to provide my new email address.

Pat O'Connor

Go Fleiter

I found the 90 geg. crossing, on the first pic: is cooper gone for rabbits in the woods??

Greetings from D?sseldorf! Go
Living in Düsseldorf/Germany, retired Dentist, wife retired lawyer, 2 daughters Judge and psychologist, 3 Grandchilds-Sorry for bad English
I like- PennsyRR- travelling Europe in my very original 51 Ply- My whole basement HO Germany based Model Railroad- 50ties stuff- Italy

RC Drown

Cooper and I went for a ride this afternoon, nothing special but I wanted to share just the same.  Again thanks to eveyone for the prayers and well wishes.

Go, these photos were taken on Muthig Rd and Tanzman Rd


Hi Bob,

Great to note that you are doing better and you are responding well to the treatment.





Glad to hear that your treatment is working well.  Also glad to hear you and Cooper got a chance to get out for a drive.

Chester Brzostowski -- 1948P15 SpD & 1929 Model U Plymouths - Collector of vehicular lawn ornaments.?   -

RC Drown

Thanks Pat, do feel good this morning, getting ready for my second cup of coffee, my youngest son is coming over later this morning and we are going to go to a car show in Big Indian,NY.  We aren't taking the Plymouth, but I am getting out of the house for a change of menu.  I was told that I could go as long as we didn't stay too long and that I must wear a mask.

Ah, the Beach Boys and "Little Duece Coupe"

36 Ply

Hey Bob,

Cool photo near the gazebo...I hope you're feeling OK this morning.

We went out for supper with another couple Friday night...on the way back to their house, there was a car show at the local root beer favorite (shhh, don't tell anyone) was a '32 Ford coupe built Old School style (big & little tires, no fenders, all steel, '48 Ford truck flathead with 2 deuces, etc. and a black primer paint job. Very nicely done, just like in the '50s.
Only saw one Plymouth, a '37 coupe street rod with a big OHV V-8.

RC Drown


Go Fleiter

I love to follow Your rides on google earth: their pics were made in very cloudy weather - Yours in full sun.
What a difference!
Here, only every 3 days are rainless, and it is too cold (64 Deg F some days!).
My P23 is ready, the hood still mising repainting the failed laquering.
Should come this Monday.
With best wishes for Your further convalesence!
Greetings from D?sseldorf! Go
Living in Düsseldorf/Germany, retired Dentist, wife retired lawyer, 2 daughters Judge and psychologist, 3 Grandchilds-Sorry for bad English
I like- PennsyRR- travelling Europe in my very original 51 Ply- My whole basement HO Germany based Model Railroad- 50ties stuff- Italy

RC Drown

It was two weeks yesterday since Cooper and I have been out in the "Wayback Machine"  It takes me two weeks or so after the chemo treatments to begin to feel like myself again.  Well, I had my second round to treatments June 11 and the Dr was very pleased that the tumor had shrunk to were it isn't noticable with the first round of treatments.  I start my third round of chemo treatments on July 2.

To make a long story short, Cooper and I fired up the "Wayback Machine" to go for our first ride in over two weeks.  We drove to one of our favorite spots by the Rondout Reservoir to walk around.  A Jeep from PA stopped and asked if they could take photos of the car, naturally I said yes and then they asked if their Grandson could sit behind the steering wheel so they could get more photos, again naturally I said yes.  We had a good visit and that is what the old car hobby is all about, making friends out of strangers and that I did today.

On the way back home I stopped in Grahamsville across from the Town Hall to take this photo as the flags are now on the Gazebo.

Just a nice day to be out and about,

RC Drown


SD Glenn

You have that right about the City Fathers (Government)  (whoever) are trying things to raise money. The people are also at fault with some of this.  In SD they added an extra $1.00 a pack tax on cigarettes, the people voted to aprove it. (Cigarette are now 5 to 6 dollars a pack). They tryed to added a .05 cent tax on a mixed drink at the bar, it would add maybe an extra .25 cents on a night out, so drinks remain at 1.50 to 2.50 for most mixed drinksm. The people voted that one down. lol People like to drink more than smoke I guess. lol I think they watch other states to see what they are doing to raise money before trying it themselves.  I should try NYs fattening sodas I guess, I am 150 lbs , soaked and wet. I could use a few pounds. lol  So much for my rant... and I don't even drink or smoke, I just work on the "Good Ole Plymouths"for my kicks. lol
SD Glenn


Just read on another forum where a guy got an appearence ticket for washing his car in his driveway and allowing the water to drain into the street and then into the storm drain. Fine could be anywhere from 25 bucks to 200. Something about discharge of untreated water. But that was in Albuqueque, NM where water is a scarce and highly regulated commodity.  Everybody thught this was terrible and the product of this current and invasive administration.  IN reality the ordinance has been on the books since the late 80's, likely dragged out for enforcement when the current city government was looking for was to make up for lost revenue.

Bloomberg missed the boat here, instead of banning big sodas, he should have slapped a city surcharge on them and collected some revenue, maybe used it to kill some rats.

We have a town ordinance that says you can not park a vehicle in your yard unless it on a hard permanent surface.  I have a couple of trailers, and had an extra car parked in the rear of my yard.  The code guy came one day and was going to write up some citations.  But each of the offending items was actually parked on some pressure treated 2 x 8's.  He tried to tell me that wasn't a permanent surface.  I mentioned that the wood was certified for 30 years when in cotnact with the ground, and suggested that that was more permanent than he was..... he put his book away and left.  This ordiance came about because someone in the town had parked their motor home in their frot yard in such a way that it blocked sight lines at an intersection.  So instead of dealing with that guy on an individual basis,  the town council passed the permanent parking pad thing, and then started snooping around with dollar signs in the codes guys eyes.


Quote from: RC Drown on June 09, 2012, 09:55:57 AM
Now the mayor of NYC wants to stop the selling of the super sized soft drinks, There are so many other things that need attention, just makes me cringe at what the government is trying to do...........


Is this for real ?  I heard something to this effect on the news awhile back.  You are right, with everything going on these days regulating how much soda a person drinks is nuts.  Anyway you can always buy two 12oz. cans and wind up drinking 24 instead of 16 ozs.

Chester Brzostowski -- 1948P15 SpD & 1929 Model U Plymouths - Collector of vehicular lawn ornaments.?   -

RC Drown

Not a problem with the "rant"  I agree with you whole heartly.  I remember when I had a Honda motorcylcle back in the middle '60's helments weren't required but it wasn't long afterwards that they became required and that was when I realized that the government was getting involved in our every day lives.  Now the mayor of NYC wants to stop the selling of the super sized soft drinks, There are so many other things that need attention, just makes me cringe at what the government is trying to do...........

Needless to say I agree with you my friend,


Quote from: RC Drown on June 02, 2012, 09:46:37 PM

Being that the Plymouth didn't have seat belts when new, I was not required by law to have them installed so that the kids go ride in the car.

I too was in my 20's before I had a car with seat belts.

Hay Bob just checking in,

As far as seat belts go I don't remember when they were first installed in cars but I do remember when I started using them.  Summer of 2005.  I just got tired of paying the tickets.  So much said for living in a free country.   Pretty soon they will pass a law that requires mandatory exercise because we are all getting to broad in the waist.   Mark my words its coming.

Sorry for the rant.., Glad to hear that you are out and about in the old Plymouth. 

Chester Brzostowski -- 1948P15 SpD & 1929 Model U Plymouths - Collector of vehicular lawn ornaments.?   -

RC Drown

Monday I start my second round of Cemo treatments and this weekend we are going away, so today Cooper and I made a couple of trips in the "Wayback Machine"

36 Ply

The local flying club (grass runway) has a fly-in, drive-in breakfast on one Sunday a month in warm weather. We would like to let the grandkids ride there (8 miles one way, the entire distance on township blacktop roads) in the rumble seat. We usually only encounter one vehicle each way.

But their parents say that it is verboten, and I said that I would respect their wishes. Very different from how I grew up.

We own an open one acre lot next to our house. When my youngest son was 14, I would sit in a lawn chair with a beer, watching him and his buddy drive a '49 Dodge around the empty lot.

Pat O'Connor

SD Glenn

Hey Pat, I think you need to put the air Bags in your front shirt pockets, and practice blowing... Maybe with a straw. lol
I did put seat belt in both, the 29 and the 39. I feel more comfortable with the belts, especially with the grand kids with me. I used to run stock cars, in the 60s and 70s, after rolling a couple times seat belts made a believer out of me. (I know, not original) lol
Glad you had a chance to get out with Cooper and enjoy yourself, you needed that.
Take care.
SD Glenn

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